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Our Story

The Beginning of our Artistic Journey



We love all things geeky. But we always find that when we admire a nerdy, graphic t-shirt or a painting, we gravitate toward the subtle. We love the art that only true fans would recognize. Ideally, we hide our geekiness in plain sight while still being a beacon to others who enjoy the same things we do.

Our mentor was a still life painter, and we have always loved the fact that one can tell a whole story with just a couple of strategically placed items. We enjoy the challenge of encapsulating an entire show or concept into one picture, without using words or people. Our goal is to get others to see the beauty and power of still lifes while celebrating the stories and hobbies that connect us as a community.

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“Yes, this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we shall call it…this land.”

“I think we should call it your grave.”

“AH! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!”

The Next Chapter

Travel and art. Those are the two themes that keep repeating in our lives. Big cities. Little towns. Country roads. They all call to us to move, explore and learn. But it’s also about people. You meet people for a reason. Either you need them to change your life, or you’re the one that will change theirs. So we want to see new places and meet new people. Never be afraid to try something new. Life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know

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It’s a Big World

The world, with its infinite possibilities and uncharted corners, becomes a playground for the creative soul, where each line we draw whispers secrets of distant lands and hidden emotions, reminding us that amidst the enormity of life, art remains our most intimate and profound companion.

Looking To The Future

We’ve been able to visit all 50 states. We’ve been invited by a city in Australia to draw on their sidewalks. We’ve been invited to perform at some of the largest conventions in the United States. It’s been a wonderful journey so far. And we want to help you with yours. Let us help you start that journey… from one single step to a thousand. Let’s see where the road takes us.